Friday, September 28, 2018


Image result for arctic monkeys
Image result for funny alex turner

Going to see a live band is an experience that stays with you forever. No matter how many times you've seen the band you will always see them when they come around again. I started listening to the Arctic Monkeys a few years ago and have been waiting for them to tour for about 4 years. I was fortunate enough to see them in Spain during the summer. However, nothing could prepare me for the gig I witnessed on Tuesday night. With a 70's space themed "Prophetic Esplanade" stage where lead singer Alex Turner could "Ponder" all his questions, I was blown away with the bands live ability and stage presence. If you're lost in my references go listen to "Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino".

I was pleasantly suprised with "Star Treatment" being the opening song to get the crowd on their feet. I wasn't hesitant admittedly. This was then followed by hits that electrified the crowd and worn voices raw (speaking from experience). The setlist gave a well mixed variety of all old and new tunes which was also joined with Alex's Oscar worthy acting skills. For example following the stage camera while singing "Cornerstone" from "Humbug" or pretending to have "Lost my train of thought" in "One Point Perspective".

I was very impressed by the lighting and creative stage props that were riddled throughout the gig. A halo styled hallowed roof lowered whenever a song from "Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino" was played.

Out of all the top class songs they performed I was most impressed by their song "Pretty Visitors", this is due to the pure velocity the lyrics were shot out at. The song also has a very melodic chorus that bridges the fast verses. Let me know your opinion on the song! You should know where to click by now.

If you are ever lucky enough to grab the opportunity to see the Arctic Monkeys live take my advice, run at the chance. 

I have created a playlist of the setlist from the night on Spotify that you can listen to here.


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