Thursday, September 20, 2018

Upcoming Gigs!!

The Arctic Monkeys will be coming to Dublins' 3Arena with their "Tranquility Hotel Base and Casino" tour on the 24th and 25th of September.
With their new album turning enough heads to cause lead singer Alex Turner to shave his own this is a gig you cant afford to miss!

When the Arctic Monkeys were rumored to be releasing a new album last year, it led to a great cause of excitement for their fans. It took me a while to get used to the new direction that they decided to take with this "sci-fi"  album but as it grew on me I realised that it is perhaps one of the best albums Bowie NEVER wrote!

As a fanatic of the Arctic Monkeys I flew to see them perform in "MadCool" a Spanish festival in July. I can safely say they stole the show with a setlist that brought back some memories from their first album "Whatever People Say I am Thats What I'm Not".

If you're lucky enough to be attending any of these dates, start practicing your Sheffield accent to rock along with the "Greatest Internet band that never surfed", to quote Alex Turner.
I'll be reviewing the gig along with some recording some of the gig for those that wont be attending.


Image result for tranquility base hotel and casino

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